Wij, medewerkers van het Expertisecentrum Bewegingsstoornissen, zetten ons elke dag in voor patiënten met bewegingsstoornissen. Elke dag...
Op 14 april organiseerde de Stichting Gilles de la Tourette een Landelijke Contactdag in Doorn. Patiënten en familieleden konden elkaar...
When reading the newspaper in the northern part of the Netherlands, one topic could certainly not be missed: The next step of research into North...
Prof. Marina de Koning-Tijssen was awarded a TOP grant for her scientific work. The prestegious TOP grants are awarded to a small number of excellent...
At the 17th of January 2018, the hyperkinetic movement disorders research group of the Expertise Center for Movement Disorders left for the...
Dinsdagavond 5 februari om 21.05 is Tymo te zien op NPO3 om zijn verhaal te vertellen.
Thankfully, capacity problems effecting the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the treatment of dystonia have been solved.
In a new video prof. Marina de Koning-Tijssen talks about the research project NEMO, which is aimed at quicker and more accurate diagnosis of...
Monday November 26, Tinka Buisman defended her thesis 'assessment of impaired coordination in children' in the presence of her promotores Prof. dr....
Former professional speed skater Beorn Nijenhuis is pursuing a PhD at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) /Campus Fryslân, where he is...
Prof. M.A.J. de Koning-Tijssen, Prof. dr. O.C.M. Sibon and Dr. T.J. de Koning gave a lecture regarding rare movement disorders...
This year, a large delegation from Groningen travelled to Hong Kong for the International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and...
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