Scientific Research

Neuro-imaging & neurophysiology

The Movement Disorders group in the UMCG has a long history of imaging and clinical neurophysiological examinations. K.L. Leenders, emeritus professor in the field of movement disorders, initiated many imaging studies. We are building on that tradition.

In PET (positron emission tomography) studies, we research a variety of brain processes in vivo using radioactively labelled tracers. For example: 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) imaging in parkinsonian syndromes, serotonin transporter imaging in dystonia patients and imaging with cholinergic and dopaminergic tracers in Parkinson’s disease.

fMRI studies for movement disorders focus on localising brain networks and measuring connectivity changes between them, linked to a changed movement pattern in the patients.

Clinical neurophysiological research mostly aims to determine the added value of examinations on clinical evaluation and treatment. In addition, clinical neurophysiological research focuses on recording the involuntary movements in situations in daily life.

With PET, fMRI and clinical neurophysiological research, we aim to generate more insight into the pathophysiology of involuntary movements and, more importantly, to improve the diagnostics and treatment of our patients.

NB: the pages we link to below are in Dutch.

FDG-PET patronen gerelateerd aan cognitieve klachten bij de ziekte van Parkinson

FDG-PET patronen bij patiënten met een REM slaap gedragsstoornis

fMRI bij functionele schokken en tremor

Imaging bij de ziekte van Parkinson en spinocerebellaire ataxie

DiPAR: Diagnosing Parkinson's disease by neuromuscular function evaluation

Neurophysiological investigations in post-hypoxic myoclonus

Klinisch neurofysiologisch onderzoek bij myoclonus