
Visit of two foreign colleagues

Our department regularly hosts foreign neurologists or neurologists in training for a number of weeks, months and sometimes even a year. During these visits there is the opportunity to gain a lot of clinical experience in a short time with movement disorders and dystonia in particular. Last week we welcomed two foreign colleagues in Groningen. They will take a look at the outpatient clinics of prof. de Koning-Tijssen and thus gain a broad picture of the diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. They also participate in the (English) video discussion and the movement disorders science meeting.

Dr. Figen Esmeli is a neurologist from Balıikesir University in Turkey. There she regularly sees movement disorder patients. About 10 years ago, dr. Esmeli already briefly visited the UMCG. She now wants to follow up that visit, and over the next three weeks she wants to gain new knowledge about treatments, including deep brain stimulation, for her own patients.

Our second guest is dr. Martje Pauly, neurologist in training at the University of Lübeck in Germany. In addition to training as a neurologist, she specializes in movement disorders, with a focus on rare genetic diseases. She will visit our department for a week.

If you want to know more about visiting our department and read experiences of others, click here.