
Expertise centre in UMCG's New Year's overview UMCG

It is only natural that some time was spent discussing COVID-10 at the UMCG's New Year's meeting, however, it was also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of 2020! The expertise centre Movement Disorders Groningen was mentioned twice.

Attention was paid to the first botulinum "street" in the Netherlands, that was opened in November. This makes it possible for patients with focal dystonia to have their appointment with the neurologist, polymyography test at the department of clinical neurophysiology and have their first treatment with botulinum toxin injections on the same day. This can save patients visits and time.

Moreover, Dr. Roald Lambrechts was interviewed about his Mandema Stipend, which he will use to continue his research on the North Sea disease. His plan is to use a fruit fly model to investigate this disease.