
International Conference on Functional Neurological Disorders, Edinburgh (2)

From 6 to 8 september the International Conference on Functional Neurological Disorders, organised by Jon Stone, Alan Carson and Mark Hallett, took place in Edinburgh. With a focus on both clinical and scientific new insights,  a set of renowned international speakers provided an excellent overview of functional neurological disorders.

The conference was a big success, with an unexpected number of over 500 attendees, indicating the large increase of interest in functional neurological disorders over the past years. Results from neurophysiological and imaging studies unmasking elements of the mechanism were complimented with presentations on new clinical findings that improve diagnostics and more and more clinical trials and cohort studies show promising results for treatment of this often challenging disorder.

Groningen/Amsterdam was well represented, providing 2 talks and 2 poster presentations. Gerrit Kramer presented his work on individual research using actographs and patient diaries, Yasmine Dreissen showed the outcomes of her Botulinum-Toxin randomized controlled trial, Jeannette Gelauff discussed the prognosis of functional neurological disorders and Marina de Koning-Tijssen presented new work from our research group on phenotyping and its role in diagnostics and treatment. Together with the research group led by Jon Stone and Alan Carson we also very much enjoyed the social event, accompanied by bagpipes and jazz, at the Royal College of Physicians in the ever lovely Edinburgh.